Delta Total Power Factor Correction Systems (SVG and APF)
The Delta Hybrid system is a modular solution that combines the APF and SVG systems to provide dedicated displacement and distortion power correction in a single cabinet. Providing a high harmonic filtering rate (>98%) for harmonics from the 2nd to the 50th order, with a fast response time (<20 ms) the hybrid serves as an all-in-one solution to boost the true power factor of an electrical network.
Product Features
The dedicated APF and SVG modules in a single cabinet provide a simple economical solution to boost total true power factor on a site.
The modular design allows it to be scaled up as required by any future upgrades.
Combining APF and SVG modules in one cabinet provides an advanced solution for correcting power factor, mitigating harmonics and combating network imbalance across phases.
Fast total response of 20ms under all load conditions.