  1. Products
  2. Industrial Control and Automation
  3. Timers and Relays
  4. Monitoring Relays
  5. Carlo Gavazzi Voltage and Current and Phase and Power Factor Monitoring
  1. Monitoring Relays

Carlo Gavazzi Voltage and Current and Phase and Power Factor Monitoring

The Carlo Gavazzi range of monitoring relays are designed for the detection of phase loss and incorrect phase sequence to over/under current and voltage. Suitable for use in a wide range of applications that require protection against people, fire, earth current leakage, or incorrect mains or cable connections. Installation is easy with front dials and DIP switches.

Carlo Gavazzi Voltage And Current And Phase And Power Factor Monitoring

Product Features



High accuracy of measurements ensures the monitoring data is reliable and trustworthy.



Built in functions include phase loss, incorrect phase sequence, phase unbalance, over/under current, over/under load, over/under frequency, over/under voltage and overtemperature.



Available in a variety of relay inputs and outputs, currents and voltages suitable for any monitoring relay application.

User Friendly

User Friendly

Compact design makes it easy to integrate the monitoring system into existing systems.